michelle au

Some more books for the pile!

A couple of books turned up in the post this week.

I started reading it before I realised they had forgotten about me at the chemist and got a fair way through it before realising they had forgetten about me.  Good grief this book picks you up and slaps you around a bit – it’s like watching your partner Grand Theft Auto except infinitely more interesting.

I started on this one a couple of nights ago when I was in a terrible mood over how much I’m working.  Michelle Au of The Underwear Drawer has blogged her way through medical school, residency, and motherhood and at all times has systematically deconstructed the myths of the medical profession (i.e. when you’re on the other side, it does not feel prestigious/glamorous/moneymaking/elitist/noble/any-other-altruistic-thing-you-can-throw-at-it), it feels like you’re being chewed up and spit out by a system keen on getting by on as little as possible).  The book starts off with her as a medical student trying to get a stool stample (yes, with their fingers!) from a 200kg person and had me nearly crying with laughter (and possibly with a little bit of wretched mania).  I’m nowhere near finished but her blog and her comics, and the beginning of this book means it’s a highly worthwhile read.  Highly entertaining – if you liked Scrubs, you’ll like this too.

And on my way to the dentist this morning where I was picking up a splint because guess who can’t stop grinding their teeth, I picked this up for $5 at a secondhand bookstore.

I have no idea if this is any good.  Apparently St Luke was a physician of ye olde days and in this book apparently does some soul searching.  It was written in 1959 and is in danger of being an overly romantic view of Roman Catholic times but I’ll give it a whirl, it was $5!

Now I’m off for a run.  Does anyone else get flu-like symptoms after they exercise and feel like it sets them back?  I do.  I googled it and found lots of other people do too and that their doctors didn’t believe them.  Well I believe you.  Although I’m only an intern and can offer you absolutely nothing to do about it other than to say ease off, but don’t stop.  We’ll see if I can take my own advice and actually get off the couch.  It’s a bit cold after all!