

When I was a little girl, I loved Barbie.  I only had one, and she was thrown out very rapidly (through no fault of my own), and I never had another.  It was a generic one, but I remember standing in shops staring at all the other ones.  I never felt body image pressure from her, she was just a pretty doll who could be anything she wanted.  Businesswoman, ballerina, astronaut.  I think that’s half her appeal.  Yesterday I was on placement where I saw a little girl with one.  The impulse to pick it up and start playing was so strong!  I thought I’d share a couple of the Barbies I coveted with you.

Peaches and Cream Barbie.  Look at that melange of apricot and pink!  Nothing says 80s like apricot.  I love those colours.

What girl, do this day, doesn’t like a sweetheart neckline and hearts?

I don’t think I rated her dress then, and nor do I now, but people, she glowed in the dark.

Le sigh.  Dream Date Barbie.  It felt like everyone had this.  The colour combination of raspberry and such a rich lavender is genius.  I would wear those colours together now if I could find them.  And maybe I shall.  I’ve found some much needed inspiration!

(And perhaps considering reliving the youth I didn’t have with some ‘collecting’ for my ‘future children’ 😉 )