Month: January 2010

First post.

I thought I’d jump on the bandwagon of blogs about ones own world.  I’m no Faux Fuchsia, hell I can’t even stick to a favourite colour, but they seem like a good exercise in self definition.

So a bit about me…

I am a massive declutterer.  I am not happy unless something is being thrown out.  I take up half a wardrobe and a top drawer.  Most girls do not believe this when they meet me, apparently I am stylish.  I just wear what I like.

I do not buy fashion magazines.  I think they are the root of all evil.  Or at least the killer of good taste.  Recently I bought an Aussie Vogue because it had a free bag which was perfect for carry-on luggage.  The bag was great, the magazine seemed to think it was this reader who salivated at the thought of being told what to do fashion wise.  Who did not know how to apply makeup.  Who thought that by being called a ‘fashion-cadet’ it entitled them to wear camouflage print.  Who had to be shown a limited range of products to choose from and did not know about makeupalley.  The photography wasn’t even any good.  I don’t like being told what to do and wear by a faceless editor and hordes of people employed to keep advertisers happy.  I like my own taste, not a monthly magazines.

My line of work is confronting.  Thus self-gifting, cooking, and decluttering are all equally soothing.

I aspire to be like Faux Fuchsia in that she irons her doona cover.  Recently I embraced the glory of a perfect linen cupboard.  I learned how to fold fitted sheets so everything lies in there flat and now I can’t stop staring at it.

I used to be a different person.  Once upon a time I thought Martha Stewart was a symbol of 1950s oppression.  Then she got arrested, did her time, and kept on doing her thing and making millions.  If she’s a symbol of 1950s oppression then I’m Donald Trump.

Once upon a time I had another blog.  It was really serious and heavy and weighed me down so much I had to stop.  In the interests of making my life outside of my work soothing, this blog is now an escape.

What else…I am an avid science fiction fan.  AVID.  Some people wonder how you can be female, stylish, and a massive science fiction fan, and sometimes they don’t even believe me.  But my Dad wrote an SF novel, my brothers watched SF…and so did I.  It’s as normal as breathing for me.  It bothers me when someone sends something silver or minimalist down the catwalk and it gets labelled ‘futuristic’.

I like to have one of everything I need, maybe two.  This includes clothes.  I have a travelling dress, a resort dress, a work dress, and so on.  I need a new travel dress.  It has to be black stretch jersey, with a waistband.  Any recommendations?