
Authenticity, shame, power, and vulnerability.

Or in a longer sentence, ‘two videos you should watch right now in the following order.

The first is a video about vulnerability that went viral a couple of years ago.  I’m now reading her books, and I think she’s amazing.

The Power of Vulnerability

Link for iPad users.

The second is one she followed up with about shame, and links into my previous post about learning how that you are enough in a world that tells you that you’re not.

Listening to Shame

Link for iPad users.

I may be just a little addicted to  These two are the ones I am loving right now, I cannot explain enough just how important her messages are.


When I was a little girl, I loved Barbie.  I only had one, and she was thrown out very rapidly (through no fault of my own), and I never had another.  It was a generic one, but I remember standing in shops staring at all the other ones.  I never felt body image pressure from her, she was just a pretty doll who could be anything she wanted.  Businesswoman, ballerina, astronaut.  I think that’s half her appeal.  Yesterday I was on placement where I saw a little girl with one.  The impulse to pick it up and start playing was so strong!  I thought I’d share a couple of the Barbies I coveted with you.

Peaches and Cream Barbie.  Look at that melange of apricot and pink!  Nothing says 80s like apricot.  I love those colours.

What girl, do this day, doesn’t like a sweetheart neckline and hearts?

I don’t think I rated her dress then, and nor do I now, but people, she glowed in the dark.

Le sigh.  Dream Date Barbie.  It felt like everyone had this.  The colour combination of raspberry and such a rich lavender is genius.  I would wear those colours together now if I could find them.  And maybe I shall.  I’ve found some much needed inspiration!

(And perhaps considering reliving the youth I didn’t have with some ‘collecting’ for my ‘future children’ 😉 )